About our training

ORIC's training programs support the Registrar's commitment to increase corporate governance knowledge, skills, efficiency and accountability within corporations.

Training objectives and outcomes

Our principal training objectives are to:

  • improve the skills of potential and existing directors through their individual accreditation against key competencies
  • improve governance and management within developing sectors (for example, family violence, women's organisations, highest risk essential service organisations)
  • facilitate the progress of this project by mainstream providers—with ORIC providing limited, highly targeted and tailored special training in conjunction with other related initiatives.

The outcomes we expect from the training are:

  • improved directorship and management for targeted individuals and corporations
  • recognised accreditation of directors against competencies
  • widely accessible training solutions for directors—available through mainstream and Indigenous-specific providers.

The range of courses on offer are designed to build upon strong foundations and increase capability in stages. To achieve this ORIC provides a pathway of courses all the way up to diploma level. For participants to be eligible to progress through the pathway to the diploma course they must complete an Introduction to Corporate Governance workshop followed by ORIC's Certificate IV in Business (Governance).

Who is our training for?

The training courses are designed for directors and members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations. Most courses bring people from different corporations together to maximise information sharing, networking opportunities, problem solving practice and the generation of ideas affecting Indigenous corporations and communities in a region. Although some courses or workshops are run with just one corporation or group at a time.