Information Publication Scheme (IPS)

ORIC is within the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA).

NIAA is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and must comply with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS).

Learn more about the NIAA and the IPS.

Registrar’s agency plan

The Registrar describes how ORIC aims to meet its duties under 8(1) of the FOI Act in our agency plan.

Appointments of statutory officers

  1. Registrar of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations appointed under s 653-1(1) of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act). 
  2. Deputy Registrar(s) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations appointed under s 653-5(1) of the CATSI Act.

What we do

This section is about the functions, areas of responsibility and decision-making powers of the Registrar.

Broad functions of the Registrar and ORIC

To support the delivery of registration, regulation and related services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations under the CATSI Act. The CATSI Act sets out:

  • how to register Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations 
  • how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations should be run.

The CATSI Act also sets out the Registrar’s functions (s 658-1), the services the Registrar provides and the powers the Registrar has to enforce the law. See Part 16-3 of the CATSI Act.

To deliver our services in a way that takes account of the special needs, requirements and risks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations within the context of Australian and international best practice on sound corporate governance. Ultimately, the aim is to build the independence and capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, groups and corporations.

Strategic information

Strategic information about the Registrar and ORIC is in the Registrar’s regulatory posture.

Operational information

Under the FOI Act, operational information is ‘information held by the agency to assist the agency to perform or exercise the agency's functions or powers in making decisions or recommendations affecting members of the public (or any particular person or entity, or class of persons or entities).’

Operational information includes:

  • documents available to ORIC staff to help with decisions or recommendations under legislation or schemes we administer
  • a decision or recommendation that concerns a right, privilege or benefit of a member of the public, or an obligation, penalty or detriment to which a person may be subject

it may also include a manual, or document that contains an interpretation, rule, guideline, practice or precedent, including:

  • a letter of advice
  • the particulars of a scheme we administer
  • a statement on how legislation or a scheme will be administered or enforced
  • a procedure followed by ORIC in investigating breaches or evasions of legislation and schemes.

Find details about the roles and functions of the Registrar and ORIC in:

For more information, or to ask for operational information not on our website, contact our freedom of information coordinator on or 1800 622 431

Charges may apply if you ask for information available on our website. 

Learn more about FOI fees and charges.

You’ll find operational information at the following parts of our website:

We also publish information on our website that is outside the FOI Act in other publications.

Requested information

Under the FOI Act, we publish information given through FOI requests in the FOI disclosure log

The NIAA disclosure log lists what NIAA has provided access to under the FOI Act.

NIAA publishes responses to requests and orders from the parliament on its accountability and reporting page.


There are currently no consultations being undertaken by the Registrar.

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