Lodge forms and reports

Use ORIC's online lodgement portal

Lodging your forms and reports using the online lodgement portal is the fastest way to update your corporation's records on the Register of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations. 

It's faster for you to lodge online because the online forms will pre-populate with any relevant information already recorded in the register. All you need to do is review that information, make your changes and then click lodge.

It's faster for ORIC to process your form if it's lodged online because we don't need to first manually enter any data from a paper form before we can process it.

The online system keeps a record of all your lodged forms so you can find them later.

If you cannot lodge your forms online here are paper versions you can use. Remember, lodging in paper will be slower for you to fill in the form and slower for ORIC to process it. We recommend you lodge forms and reports online

Learn more in our fact sheet about lodging online.

Paper versions of forms

Exemption forms

There are certain parts of the CATSI Act that the Registrar can grant exemptions for. An exemption means that a corporation does not have to comply with that part of the Act. Learn more about exemptions.

Annual reporting

The reports required are different depending on a corporation's registered size and income. All corporations need to complete a general report. Read more about reporting requirements.

  • Log in to access your corporation's pre-populated general report


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