Policy statements

We have developed and set out below policies that govern and support the day-to-day operations of our office and decision making under the CATSI Act.

Note: For most of our day-to-day work we use the name Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations. However our policy statements still use the statutory title Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations.


Policy statements give guidance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations, their directors and members and the general public about:

  • how the Registrar interprets the CATSI Act and associated legislation
  • the principles underlying the Registrar's approach
  • how the Registrar will exercise specific powers under the CATSI Act.

You might also be interested in our position statements.

Providing information, advice and public comment

Policy statement PS-02 on Complaints involving corporations has been retired. Please see report a concern to ORIC.

Policy statement 03 on Complaints and feedback about the Registrar's staff, contractors and services has been retired. Please see complaints about ORIC.

Registration under the CATSI Act

The Registrar's powers to intervene

Change of corporation size


Corporation names

Member approval for related party benefits

Registered native title bodies corporate

Policy statement PS-11 on Indigeneity has been retired. Please see our position statement on Indigeneity.

Registers and use and disclosure of information held by the Registrar

Policy statement PS-13 on Freedom of Information has been retired. Please see freedom of information.

Review of reviewable decisions


Change to corporation details by telephone, email or Registrar's initiative

Deregistrations and reinstatements

Property of deregistered corporations

Transferring registration in and out of the CATSI Act

Special administrations

No-action letters

Policy statement PS-22 on Disputes involving corporations has been retired. Please see resolving disputes.

Review of fees charged by RNTBCs for certain native title functions

Applications for permission to deny a members' request for a general meeting


Compliance notices

Suspension of members and directors

Additional or increased reporting requirements

Disqualified persons and the Register of Disqualified Officers

Effect of invalid appointment of directors

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