About ORIC

Yearbook section
8 April 2019


Strong corporations, strong people, strong communities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations play an important role in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities, as well as in the broader Australian society. Our vision is of well-governed corporations that inspire trust in the sector and provide high-value services and benefits to members and communities.

To achieve that vision, ORIC staff operate within a framework—documents below are all offered as PDF—that covers:

Our work is also directed by our strategic plan and corporate plan. The current versions cover the period 2017–20.


The Registrar’s budget allocation for 2017–18 was $8.508 million, which was $130,000 more than the previous year’s allocation of $8.378 million.

On 5 July 2017 Minister Nigel Scullion announced additional funding of $4 million over four years for ORIC for additional training, examinations and investigations.

Effectively, in 2017–18 ORIC received an additional $985,000, bringing our total budget for the year to $9.493 million.

Organisational structure

Office locations


As at 30 June 2017, ORIC had 47 staff (44.9 full-time equivalents), but three of those were on long-term leave or secondment.

In effect:

  • 32 were working from the Canberra office
  • 15 were working from a regional office
  • 49 per cent identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • 49 per cent were women
  • four staff, or 8.5 per cent were part-time or casual.

Senior management

Senior managers as at 30 June 2017:

Mike Fordham
Acting Registrar
Gettit Wanganeen
Acting Deputy Registar
Lisa Hugg
Manager, Communications
Helen Wright
Manager, Registration and Reporting
Catherine Turtle
Manager, Training
Trish Mu
Manager, Investigations and Prosecutions
Angus Hudson
General Counsel
Benjamin Murray
Manager, Regulation