General reports

All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations must lodge a general report every financial year.

All general reports have information about the corporation, its people and its financial information.

About the corporation

This section includes the corporation’s: 

  • name 
  • Indigenous Corporation Number (ICN)
  • Australian Business Number (ABN) – if it has one
  • size
  • main place of business
  • registered office or document access address
  • contact details
  • activities.

Corporation’s people

This section has information about:

  • the contact person or secretary
  • directors
  • members.

Basic financial and employee information

The financial section includes information on:

  • income
  • assets
  • deductible gift recipient status 
  • number of employees.


The general report also must include a declaration that the information given in the report is correct. The declaration can be made by:

  • a director 
  • the secretary if it’s a large corporation.

If the directors delegate lodging the report to someone else, the declaration must be based on a resolution of the directors. 

List of members 

Include a list of members with the report. 

A list of members is a copy of the register of members at a moment in time. With your general report, you must provide the list as at 30 June.

Do not provide the register of members.

Lodging reports

Unless you have an exemption or extension, lodge your annual reports as soon as possible after 30 June and before 31 December.

Learn more about annual reporting.

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