Staff and volunteers

The CATSI Act focuses mainly on the roles of officers and members. This provides a framework for how staff and volunteers are managed. 

Engaging staff and volunteers

A corporation might employ staff or engage volunteers to support its work. Directors or a CEO oversee the work of staff and volunteers. 

Responsibilities include: 

  • doing tasks determined by the needs of the corporation
  • ensuring the corporation’s services meet community needs.

You can’t hire someone for a management role if they have been disqualified from managing corporations.

Find out more about hiring staff and what you must do as an employer at

There are rules about how you must treat volunteers and what they can and cannot do. Find out more about hiring volunteers at

Related content

You may also like our guides and templates for finding and hiring staff:


Staff and volunteers must:

  • perform their duties for the corporation's benefit, avoiding actions that could harm the corporation
  • avoid any conflicts of interest and not use their positions for personal gain or to benefit family or contacts.

Staff and volunteers should know and follow the corporation's governance rules as set out in:

  • the CATSI Act 
  • the corporation’s rule book.

They must comply with 

  • financial management practices 
  • reporting requirements.

Training and development

Corporations should provide training to staff and volunteers so they’re well-equipped to do their roles. 

This is key for maintaining the corporation’s standards and effectiveness.

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