Requesting an exemption

Corporations must request exemptions in writing and include:

  1. which part(s) of the CATSI Act the corporation requests exemption from
  2. reasons for seeking the exemption(s)
  3. evidence that the request is after a resolution of the directors
  4. signature from at least one director.

The request can be lodged with the Registrar online or through a form.

Registrar’s decision

When a corporation requests an exemption, the Registrar may consider:

  • the expected costs of complying with the requirement in the CATSI Act
  • the benefits of the corporation complying
  • the difficulties the corporation may face in complying
  • whether there will be any negative effects on members’ rights and interests if the exemption is granted
  • the financial, compliance and reporting history of the corporation.

Different considerations can apply to each type of exemption and the list above is a guide only.

See the policy statement for a list of the criteria the Registrar uses for each type of exemption

We may ask for more information before making a decision.

After the decision

We will write to the corporation to tell them if the exemption is granted. We will give the reasons why or why not.

We will tell the corporation:

  • what the exemption is for
  • when it ends (if it has an end date)
  • any conditions.

We will place a copy of the exemption on the public Register of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations.

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