Registrar's update on rule book compliance by RNTBCs


Registrar's update: Rule book compliance by RNTBCs

The Native Title Act 1993 and Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 require every corporation that is a registered native title body corporate (RNTBC) to have particular rules about membership and for resolving disputes.

Read about the required rule book changes on our website.

Where the sector is at

  • Congratulations to the 211 RNTBCs (78%*) that have a rule book that meets all the requirements!
  • Another 9 RNTBCs are almost there! We are currently reviewing their revised rule books and hope to register these very soon.
  • We’re also pleased with the 14 RNTBCs that have let us know their plan to update their rule book. However, these corporations are on notice that their revised rule book must be lodged with us by the date they told us it would be. While we continue to support corporations that keep working with us, we will consider taking action against corporations that do not meet the date agreed to.
  • Unfortunately, there are 38 RNTBCs that have not shown any progress with updating their rule book nor made any contact with us to discuss their plan.

What happens now

If you do not hear from us, you do not need to do anything further.

However, for the 38 RNTBCs who are not yet fully compliant with the rule book requirements, nor demonstrating a pathway to compliance, formal action has commenced. You will receive a letter from us shortly setting this out. Our view is that we have afforded you reasonable opportunity to achieve compliance through supported processes.

You’ve had more than 3 years – the amendment law provided all RNTBCs 2 years to update their rule books, and it’s now more than a year since the deadline of 25 March 2023 passed.

We’ve sent you resources, offered assistance and sent multiple reminders.

Your rule book will be assessed in its entirety for compliance with all aspects of the Native Title Act and the CATSI Act. When we’ve assessed your rule book we will use our powers under the CATSI Act to issue you a notice to address all matters of non-compliance. Failure to comply with the notice may lead to further regulatory action.

We will soon send each non-compliant RNTBC a letter informing you of our action.

How to stop this action

Contact us now to tell us your plan to update your rule book.

Call 1800 622 431 or email

Tricia Stroud,
Registrar of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations

14 May 2024

*At the time of this message there are 272 RNTBCs.