Find advice and support for running or being part of a corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act).
Reporting and stakeholders
Find out what, how and when to report.
Rule books
Learn about a rule book’s place in a corporation and how to write or change one.
Roles and responsibilities
Understand the different roles of people in a corporation.
Find out how to call and hold different types of meetings.
Native title and RNTBCs
Learn about special requirements and rules for registered native title bodies corporate (RNTBCs).
Decision making
Learn about the different ways decisions are made in corporations.
Keeping records
Learn about the importance of maintaining records for your corporation, including financial records.
Resolving problems
Find out how to deal with problems in a corporation and when to seek help.
Corporate governance
Learn the basics of the rules, practices and processes directors can use to govern a corporation.
Closing a corporation
Find out how and when to close a corporation.