Native title amendments for RNTBC rule books

This workshop is for the board or rule book working group from a registered native title body corporate (RNTBC). 

Like every corporation, RNTBCs have a rule book. The rule book sets out the corporation’s internal governance rules. 

RNTBCs have responsibilities with native title rights and interests recognised in a native title determination. RNTBCs must have rules in their rule books about:

  • disputes 
  • membership.


You'll learn about:

  • why the rule book is so important
  • the requirements for internal governance rules arising from the changes to native title law
  • types of rules under the CATSI Act
  • the process for changing a rule book
  • what happens if you don’t have the changes in place and how the law applies to your RNTBC.

By the end, you’ll have:

  • a draft rule book 
  • a notice of a general meeting with an agenda and the proposed special resolution.


In this workshop a facilitator will:

  • explain the rules that RNTBCs need under the Native Title Act and CATSI Act
  • guide a process of checking your rule book to see if it already meets the requirements of the native title amendments and, if not, what changes to make so it does.

You’ll then discuss and decide on replacement rules to take to your members. 

The workshop goes for:

  • 2 hours if online
  • 3 hours if in person.

To request a native title amendments for RNTBC rule books workshop email or call 1800 622 431.

We can also support you by reviewing your draft rule book and making suggestions.

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