Corporations with overdue reports
Data in this report is frozen as at 27 March 2025 during our transition to myCorp.
- This list is corporations that are not compliant with their reporting obligations for one or both of the past 2 reporting periods, additionally for those non-compliant corporations any deregistration activity in progress. It is not a complete list of all deregistration activity.
This list is based on data drawn from records in the public Register of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations relating to:
- reporting obligations for the 2023–24 and 2022–23 reporting periods
- deregistrations – voluntary by the corporation, and by the Registrar.
- This is updated each night.
- You can access each individual corporation's public records by searching for its name or ICN in the public register (Find a corporation).
- The Registrar's power to deregister a corporation requires certain conditions to exist which include the corporation has not lodged a general report within 6 months after the day on which the report is required to be lodged (ss 546-1(5)). This list includes some corporations who have lodged a general report. This is because the corporation was issued a notice from the Registrar notifying them of her intention to deregister before the corporation lodged one or more of its general reports. The corporation remains with the status of the intention to deregister until the Registrar has confirmed if they want to remain registered.
If your corporation appears on this list but you think it is an error, please contact ORIC.