Court and judge/magistrate:Kununurra Magistrates Court (Chief Magistrate Heath)
Legislative provision/s breached
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
Failed to lodge General, Financial and Audit Reports for the 2021/22 financial years.
Convicted and a global fine of $9,000 imposed.
Ordered to pay court costs of $272.70.
Prosecution outcome for Carnarvon Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 499)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Carnarvon Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation
Court and judge/magistrate:Carnarvon Magistrates Court (Magistrate Watson)
Legislative provision/s breached
330-10(1) CATSI Act
330-10(1) CATSI Act
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
Failed to lodge general, director, financial and audit Reports for 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23 financial years.
Conviction recorded.
Charges 1 – 3: global fine of $6,500
Charges 4-12: global fine of $20,000.
Total fines imposed $26,500.
Prosecution outcome for Pukatja Supermarket and Associated Stores Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2242)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Pukatja Supermarket and Associated Stores Aboriginal Corporation
Court and judge/magistrate:Alice Springs Local Court (Judge Ingles)
Legislative provision/s breached
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
Failure to submit general, financial & audit reports for 2021–22 and 2022–23 financial years.
Convicted and fined $5,000. Ordered to pay $1,000 per offence to the NT victim levy ($4,000 total).
Total penalty $9,000.
Prosecution outcome for Amata Anangu Store Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 7245)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Amata Anangu Store Aboriginal Corporation
Court and judge/magistrate:Alice Springs Local Court (Judge Ingles)
Legislative provision/s breached
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
Failure to submit general, financial & audit reports for 2021–22 and 2022–23 financial years.
Convicted and fined $5,000. Ordered to pay $1,000 per offence to the NT victim levy ($4,000 total).
Total penalty $9,000.
Prosecution outcome for Kurungal Council Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 9163)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Kurungal Council Aboriginal Corporation
Court and judge/magistrate:Fitzroy Crossing Magistrates Court (Magistrate Potter)
Legislative provision/s breached
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
Failed to lodge corporation general, financial and audit report for the 2021–22 and 2022–23 financial years.
The Court discharged the defendant under subsection 19B(1) of the Crimes Act 1914 without proceeding to conviction upon the defendant giving security by recognisance of $12,000 to comply with the following condition:
(a) That the offender is to be of good behaviour for a period of 3 years.
Prosecution outcome for Indulkana Community Store Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 4780)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Indulkana Community Store Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 4780)
Court and judge/magistrate:Alice Springs Local Court (Judge Bamber)
Legislative provision/s breached
330-10(1) CATSI Act
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
Convicted on all counts and fined an aggregate sum of $10,000.
Victims levy imposed of $1,000 per offence ($6,000 total)
Total penalty $16,000.
Prosecution outcome for Kanparrka Store Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 7517)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Kanparrka Store Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 7517)
Court and judge/magistrate:Alice Springs Magistrates Court
Legislative provision/s breached
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
Convicted and fined $3,000 for all offences.
Ordered to pay $1,000 per offence ($7,000 total) to NT Victims Levy.
Total penalty $10,000.
Prosecution outcome for PY Ku Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 7542)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:PY Ku Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 7542)
Court and judge/magistrate:Alice Springs Local Court (Judge Bamber)
Legislative provision/s breached
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
Convicted and fined $5,000 total for charges 2,4,5,7.
Charges 1,3,6 were withdrawn.
Ordered to pay $1,000 per offence ($4,000) total to the NT Victims levy.
Prosecution for Palngun Wurnangat Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 8377)
Court and judge/magistrate:Darwin Local Court (Morris)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
Convicted and released without sentence under s. 20(1)(a) Crimes Act 1914
Prosecution outcome for Mawurli and Wirriwangkuma Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2188)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Mawurli and Wirriwangkuma Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2188)
Court and judge/magistrate:Darwin Local Court
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
Convicted and fined $1000
Prosecution outcome for Abul Fazad Mohammed Abdus Shahid
Civil proceedings
Prosecution outcome for:Abul Fazad Mohammed Abdus Shahid
Court and judge/magistrate:Federal Court, Perth (Justice Barker)
Legislative provision/s breached
ss. 265-1, 265-5, 265-10 CATSI Act
Disqualified from managing corporations for 7 years; fined $100,000; ordered to pay compensation of $207,956.75 to the corporation; order to pay costs.
Prosecution outcome for Ashley Taylor
Civil proceedings
Prosecution outcome for:Ashley Taylor
Court and judge/magistrate:Federal Court, Perth (Justice Barker)
Legislative provision/s breached
ss. 265-1, 265-5, 265-10 CATSI Act
Disqualified from managing corporations for 7 years; fined $250,000; ordered to pay compensation of $182,527.41 to the corporation; order to pay costs.
Prosecution outcome for Wila Gutharra Community Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2705)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Wila Gutharra Community Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2705)
Court and judge/magistrate:Geraldton Magistrates Court (Webb)