Court and judge/magistrate:Launceston Magistrates Court (Petty) (Magistrate Cure)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 330‑10(1) CATSI Act
Convicted and released without sentence under s. 20(1)(a) Crimes Act 1914.
Ordered to file the general report and complete deregistration within three months.
Prosecution outcome for Euraba Paper Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 3791)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Euraba Paper Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 3791)
Court and judge/magistrate:Boggabilla Local Court (Local Court Magistrate Rabbidge)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 348‑1(1) CATSI Act
Charge proven but discharged without conviction under s. 19B Crimes Act 1914
Prosecution outcome for Trevor Close
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Trevor Close
Court and judge/magistrate:Downing Centre Local Court, Sydney (Magistrate Horan)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 265‑25(3)(a) CATSI Act
Convicted and discharged on own recognisance upon giving security of $500.00 and to be of good behaviour for 12 months. Ordered to make reparations of $7,279.25 to the Githabul Nation Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Prosecution outcome for Southern Regional Indigenous Corporation (ICN 8098)
Court and judge/magistrate:Port Kembla Local Court (Magistrate Williams)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 330‑10(1) CATSI Act
Charge proven but dismissed without penalty under s. 19B Crimes Act 1914 upon recognizance to be of good behaviour for 12 months and a surety of $1000.