Court and judge/magistrate:Townsville Magistrates Court (Magistrate Warrington)
Legislative provision/s breached
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
330-10(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
Convicted and fined $500 each for charges 1,2,3,4.
Convicted and fined $550 each for charges 5,6,7.
Total fine $3,650.
Ordered to pay $111.70 court fees.
Prosecution outcome for Mungalla Aboriginal Corporation for Business (ICN 3977)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Mungalla Aboriginal Corporation for Business (ICN 3977)
Court and judge/magistrate:Townsville Magistrates Court (Magistrate Warrington)
Legislative provision/s breached
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
348-1(1) CATSI Act
All charges proven. s.19B on all offences; $2,500 in recognisance; to be of good behaviour for 19 months.
Prosecution outcome for Boonwurrung Land and Sea Council Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 8736)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Boonwurrung Land and Sea Council Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 8736)
Court and judge/magistrate:Melbourne Magistrates Court (Magistrate Hartnett)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 348-1 CATSI Act
s. 348-1 CATSI Act
s. 348-1 CATSI Act
s. 348-1 CATSI Act
Charge proven but dismissed without penalty under s. 19B Crimes Act 1914 upon recognizance to be of good behaviour for 12 months and a surety of $1000.