NSW social housing and care provider ready for a fresh start

Media release
Special administration

The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Selwyn Button, has today announced the end of the special administration of the Woomera Aboriginal Corporation Albury (Woomera).

Woomera is a social housing and statutory out-of-home care provider located in Albury, NSW. It also operates a pre-school and provides a variety of family support services for the local Aboriginal community and surrounding areas.

The Registrar placed Woomera under special administration on 27 May 2019 to address stakeholder and funder concerns about the corporation’s corporate governance standards and decision-making processes. An independent examination commissioned by the Registrar also raised concerns that director interference in corporation affairs was having a detrimental effect on service delivery.

The corporation had failed to comply with reporting and acquittal obligations under various funding agreements resulting in funding payments being withheld, some for as long as two years.

During the special administration, the special administrator and Woomera’s management team collaborated with the corporation’s key stakeholders and funders to address the deficiencies. Significant work was also completed on developing and implementing new and stronger policies and procedures to improve the overall effectiveness in day-to-day operations of the corporation.

‘Coming out of the special administration, Woomera is in a strong position to meet upcoming accreditation renewal requirements with the Office of the Children’s Guardian as a statutory out-of-home care provider,’ said Mr Button.

‘It can be tempting for directors to jump in and get involved in operations. But it’s vital there be a clear separation of roles to foster sound governance as well as efficient and effective decision-making.’

The Registrar’s office will monitor Woomera over the next 12 months and has offered governance training for the incoming directors.