Records of director appointments


The Registrar is focusing on the quality of corporation records, particularly those relating to director appointments, in the Register of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations.

Corporations are responsible for keeping their records with ORIC correct and up to date.

A review of corporation records has uncovered anomalies such as no updates to a director record for 7 years, despite that director being appointed for a 2-year term.

Out of date records can create confusion about who is able to make decisions for the corporation.

The Registrar has just released a video featuring Wungening Aboriginal Corporation and emphasising the importance of record keeping.

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Corporations are required to notify ORIC of changes to directors within 28 days of the change. Changes to directors cover:

  • appointments of new directors
  • reappointments of existing directors (if allowed by the rule book)
  • removal, resignation or retirement of directors

Directors must tell their corporation/s about changes to their personal details within 14 days of the change.

Corporations are also required to notify ORIC of changes to directors’ personal details, namely:

  • first and last names
  • former names
  • date and place of birth
  • home address and alternative address if they’re eligible to have one
  • director ID.

Updates can be made online or by using a pdf form.