ORIC survey of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations 2024 has closed


The ORIC survey of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations 2024 has now closed. Thank you to the 163 corporations who took the time to respond and provide valuable feedback to ORIC. We are very pleased with this response rate for our first survey of this kind and are keen to increase participation in future surveys.

This was ORIC’s first survey of all corporations, and we plan to run this survey annually to hear from corporations about how we can continue to improve the support we provide. We encourage all corporations to respond in the future to help ORIC improve its services.  

We are now reviewing the survey responses in detail. We have included a summary of the responses in ORIC’s February performance report The views and feedback of corporations that we regulate and support is fundamental to any assessment on how we are doing.

We will consider how we can give effect to the feedback we received, such as to inform the next topics of the CATSI Conversations vodcasts, improve our report a concern process and make further enhancements to our website and support for new corporations. While we may not be able to implement all feedback, we appreciate every response.  

As an independent and impartial regulator it is inevitable that not everyone will be pleased with an action or decision of ORIC. However we believe that while an individual or corporation might not achieve the outcome or decision they sought, they should be comfortable with the timelines of our response and that they have been given the information to understand our reasons. Timeliness and information was something we received some frank but welcome feedback on and something that we will prioritise in our business improvement efforts in 2025.

We look forward to hearing how well we’ve done on this front in our next survey.