Reinstating a corporation

You can apply to have a corporation reinstated. There are also some circumstances under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) when ORIC or the courts may reregister a corporation. 

Ask ORIC to reinstate your corporation

To ask for your corporation to be put back on the register, you'll need to send us:

  • a completed application for reinstatement 
  • the last general report for the financial year
  • any other reports that would have been given to ORIC if your corporation was still registered, like financial or directors' reports
  • proof that your corporation is still open for business.

We might ask for more proof, like documents or a signed legal statement, when you apply.

Court deregistration and reinstatement  

We can't put a corporation back on the register if a court has said it needs to close – unless the court itself says to bring the corporation back.

A court can tell us to put your corporation back on the register if:

  • someone who contests the deregistration or a past liquidator asks the court
  • the court thinks it's fair to reinstate the registration.

If the court decides to reinstate your corporation, it can also:  

  • say that anything done since it was removed from the register is okay
  • make any other orders it thinks are right.

Reinstatement by the Registrar

The Registrar can reinstate a corporation if it should not have been deregistered. For example, if the corporation kept doing business.

Reinstatement process

ORIC will announce the reinstatement in the Government Gazette notices. We’ll also get in touch with the person who asked for the corporation to be reinstated.

When your corporation is brought back, it’s like it was never removed in the first place.

  • Anyone who was a director right before deregistration becomes a director again.
  • Any property that ORIC holds goes back to the corporation.
  • Any property with a loan or claim against it returns to the corporation with those claims still in place. 

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