Mediation sought to solve mystery of Adnyamathanha trust money

The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Selwyn Button, has today extended the special administration of the Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands Association (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC (ATLA) for the 6th time, to 31 December 2021.

It has proven difficult for the special administrator to clarify financial arrangements and activity. In April, the Registrar welcomed Peter McQuoid’s decision to suspend mining payments pending access to information about the trust’s performance. ATLA has mining agreements with Heathgate Resources Pty Ltd and its affiliate Quasar Resources Pty Ltd. Under those agreements, Heathgate and Quasar make payments to Rangelea Holdings Pty Ltd as trustee of the Adnyamathanha Master Trust. Rangelea is to distribute or use the funds from Heathgate and Quasar for the benefit of Adnyamathanha native title holders, according to the rules set out in the trust deed.

‘During the special administration we have learned that many Adnyamathanha native title holders have no information about how Rangelea has allocated or used Adnyamathanha money,’ said Mr Button. ‘The special administrator has asked Rangelea for this financial information but to no avail. We know that in 2020, $4 million was paid into the trust. Adnyamathanha native title holders need transparency about where that money has gone.’

The special administrator represents the interests of ATLA members who are Adnyamathanha native title holders, and continues to investigate options to resolve the uncertainty. ‘The special administrator has asked the National Native Title Tribunal to facilitate a mediation between ATLA, Rangelea and my office. There is significant common ground between ATLA and Rangelea, in their joint responsibility to act in the best interests of Adnyamathanha common law holders. At this stage, we have not received a response from Rangelea directors,’ said Mr Button.


See the Registrar’s previous releases:

Media contact

Catherine Styles 0438 087 736

ORIC MR2021-22
28 June 2021