Oracle newsletter, November 2015: Complaints and how to manage them (centrespread)

Centrespread for ORACLE

Marlene Nampitjinpa Spencer, Chairperson of the Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation (WDNWPT)—also known as Western Desert Dialysis or ‘Purple House’ (ICN 4236)—at Wilkinkarra (Lake Mackay) in Western Australia, near the community of Kiwirrkurra, in early 2015. Photo: Matt Frost

Complaints follow a process

Complainant: consider

  • What outcome are you after?
  • Check your rule book for guidance

Complainant: make your complaint

  • Contact your corporation (e.g. by phone, email or in person)
  • Be clear about the problem
  • Be polite and respectful
  • Keep a record of your conversation

Corporation: acknowledge the complaint

  • Respond promptly and politely to the complainant
  • Let the complainant know the next step(s) (e.g. do you have to examine the matter further, refer it elsewhere, seek expert advice?)
  • Advise the complainant of the timeframe

Corporation: consider, discuss and decide

  • Examine the complaint carefully (make sure you have all the facts)
  • Discuss the matter with relevant parties
  • Stay calm, fair and open minded
  • Keep the complainant informed, especially if the process is taking more time than first advised
  • Make a decision

Corporation: communicate the outcome

  • Inform the complainant of the decision
  • Give clear objective feedback (that is, the reasons for the decision)
  • Finalise within a reasonable timeframe
  • Keep a record of the complaint and the process

Complainant: reflect on the decision

  • Examine the decision carefully and calmly
  • Does the decision address your matter fully or to a reasonable degree?
  • Be prepared to compromise

Complainant: decide

  • Has the matter been resolved to your satisfaction?
  • Do you want to take the matter further (if yes, refer to your corporation’s dispute resolution rule)

Before making a complaint to ORIC, try to sort it out with your corporation.

freecall: 1800 622 431 (not free from mobiles) | email: | website:

See the full newsletter ORIC Oracle November 2015: Complaints and how to manage them.
