Tasmanian corporation back in members' control

The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Anthony Beven, today announced the end of the special administration at Six Rivers Aboriginal Corporation.

The corporation is based in Latrobe, Tasmania, and for the past 20 years has provided health and community support to the local Aboriginal community.

Following a request for assistance from the full board of directors, the Registrar on 26 April 2012 appointed Danny Keep and Natasha Keep as joint and several special administrators. The corporation had been struggling with financial problems and a number of operational issues.

Mr Beven said the special administration had progressed well and had achieved some positive outcomes in a relatively short time—for example, it had:

  • finalised the audited financial statements for the years ended 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012
  • acquitted all outstanding government grants
  • restructured the business of the corporation and developed key partnerships with other community organisations in north-east Tasmania
  • revised the corporation’s rule book
  • appointed a new board of directors.

The new board of directors will take control of the corporation from 1 October 2012.

The new member directors are: Ms Angela Maguire, Ms Nardia Broomhall, Mr Paul Docking, Ms Kerrie Shurley and Darryl Spencer. They will also be joined by an experienced independent non-member director, Ms Elvie Hales.

‘I would like to thank the special administrators, members and new directors for revitalising Six Rivers,’ said Mr Beven. ‘With a strong base the corporation now has the opportunity to grow and expand its services to members. I wish the corporation well.’

The Registrar has offered corporate governance training to the new directors.

Media contact
Patricia Gibson
(02) 6146 4743
Ref: ORIC MR1213-08
28 September 2012
