Special administration for Perth-based family violence legal service

The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Anthony Beven, today placed the Western Australian Family Violence Prevention Legal Service Aboriginal Corporation under special administration. Five of the six directors sought the Registrar’s assistance.

The corporation, which is based in Perth, is funded by the Attorney-General’s Department to deliver support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults and children throughout Western Australia who are either the victims of family violence and sexual abuse, or who are at risk of such violence.

In recent months disagreements have arisen between the directors and other officers of the corporation which have caused a disruption to services and threaten to destabilise the corporation.

‘Matters have reached a point where I feel the quality of client care is in serious jeopardy,’ said Mr Beven. ‘As this is a corporation that carries out an essential service for the community and many people rely on it for assistance, my office has been quick to act.’

Mr Jack James and Ms Paula Cowan from the Perth-based firm of Palisade Business Consulting have been appointed as the joint and several special administrators. They will work closely with the corporation’s members and stakeholders to resolve the disputes. They will also review the operating structure of the corporation and look for ways to raise governance standards.

Background: Special administration is a special measure under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 which helps corporations to fix their problems. The aim of the process is to restore a corporation to good health and once this is achieved to return control to members as soon as possible. For more information see ORIC’s fact sheet Special administrations: what members and directors should know at www.oric.gov.au.

21 March 2012

Media contact
Patricia Gibson
(02) 6146 4743
Ref: ORIC MR1112-28

Special administrators:

Name: Mr Jack James and Ms Paula Cowan
Phone: (08) 9328 6262
Mob: 0418 739 734 or 0418 980 512
Email: jjames@palisadebc.com
