Registrar partners with the AILC

The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations and the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre (AILC) have formally agreed to collaborate to deliver governance training for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Anthony Beven, and the Chairman of the AILC, Dr Tom Calma, AO, today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will see the AILC deliver the Registrar’s Managing in Two Worlds corporate governance training package. The package includes the Certificate IV in Business (Governance) qualification, which is accredited training designed specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

‘By working with the AILC we will be able to provide this important training to many more people,’ said Anthony Beven. ‘The existing leadership and governance training programs offered by the AILC also link in well with the training provided by my office.’

Corporate governance training is an important tool used by the Registrar to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to strengthen their skills and to build stronger corporations.

In the 2012–13 financial year the Registrar delivered corporate governance training to 897 directors, members and senior staff of 198 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations around Australia.

The MoU sets out a framework for ongoing liaison between the two parties.

View the MoU on ORIC's website.

Media contact

Patricia Gibson
(02) 6146 4743
ORIC MR1314-05
19 August 2013

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