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When your corporation is registered, we will send you a certificate of registration, which has your Indigenous Corporation Number (ICN) on it, send you the approved rule book and publish details of your corporation on the Register of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations.
A corporation’s members make important decisions about how the corporation is run. They decide who its directors are, how it spends its money, and how it manages its operations. 
Conflict of interest, Eligibility
Member, Director, Secretary
When a corporation gives an asset or money to a person or group with a close relationship to the corporation, this is called a giving a related party a financial benefit.  
Eligibility, Indigeneity
Contact person, Secretary, Director
There are requirements for a group to register and stay registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act).
Eligibility, Indigeneity
Number of directorsThe rule in the CATSI Act is that a corporation must have at least 3 directors and no more than 12 directors. But a corporation can:
Eligibility, Indigeneity
Contact person, Secretary, Director
Register a new corporation; transfer registration of an existing entity; amalgamate 2 or more corporations; or reinstate registration of a deregistered corporation.
Eligibility, Deregistration, Indigeneity, Complaint
ORIC has a range of corporate documents that set our regulatory approach and priorities.
Eligibility, Deregistration, Indigeneity, Complaint
This framework outlines the Registrar's approach to ensuring corporations comply with the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006. 
Eligibility, Extensions
Contact person, Secretary
A corporation’s income, assets and number of staff in a financial year determine its size. The size of a corporation changes its responsibilities under the CATSI Act. This is so corporations do an amount of administration and reporting that is fair to their abilities.
Native title, Eligibility, Indigeneity
RNTBCs must have certain rules about disputes and membership eligibility in their rule books.
Contact person, Secretary
Some rules in the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) are ‘replaceable’. This is similar to the Corporations Act 2001.
Member, Director, Contact person, Secretary
An AGM is a gathering of members held once a year. It’s an important exercise in board accountability to members.  The main purpose of an AGM is to allow members to:
Eligibility, Charity
Australian Business NumberOnce your corporation is registered and has been given an Indigenous Corporation Number (ICN), it can apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN).  
Native title
Top 500 report
This is ORIC's seventh report on the top 500 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations. It collates and…
On this page Data interpretation and limitations
Native title
Top 500 report section
When a determination recognising native title is made by the Federal Court, the Native Title Act 1993 requires traditional owners to establish a corporation to represent them and their interests.
Native title
Top 500 report section
The combined income of the top 500 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations for 2014–15 was $1.88 billion (compared to $1.74 billion in 2014–15, an increase of 8.2 per cent). The ten-year average annual growth rate of total income for c